

Brand Name

ABC Bank


Bank services


Customer Services Form

Project Year



A bank originally target towards medium and big comapanies, that recently started working with general people. In 2021 started structuring it's UX team, and it was when I was hired to act on the Personal team. The following projects were done by my self only.

Previous Layout

This task was inicially to include the form in the existing channel “Talk to your consultant”, and the user would get their response throug phone or e-mail.

Identified Problems:

  • In Portuguese, “Fale com seu Consultor” (talk to your consultant), Consultor is a masculine word while most of the bank’s consultants are women. Besides that, it gave the impression that it would just be a direct channel to talk to someone, and not a space with all customer service channels.
  • The cards from “talk to your consultant” looked like buttons while the two first were just to inform the bank’s phone and e-mail.
  • The feature “Receber uma ligação” (Receive a phone call) was directly activated. If you touched the button, you would automatically request a call, something that could generate accidental requests.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce volutpat, tellus et rhoncus lobortis, enim arcu mattis sapien, eu bibendum nisi massa sed augue. Sed porta eu urna eleifend vulputate. Donec in tincidunt libero, et varius nibh. Vestibulum ac lacus nisl. Nullam blandit pellentesque porta. In dolor neque, tempus in commodo lobortis, volutpat in sapien. In at metus et erat porta ornare. Nulla fermentum nunc tempus lectus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Sed tempor est sit amet eros sollicitudin, eget semper lacus vulputate. Donec interdum enim a nisl imperdiet aliquet. Donec at augue ex. Cras nunc metus, lacinia ac tellus ac, consectetur lacinia neque. Mauris laoreet aliquet dui quis egestas. Pellentesque sit amet neque sit amet ligula efficitur malesuada.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce volutpat, tellus et rhoncus lobortis, enim arcu mattis sapien, eu bibendum nisi massa sed augue. Sed porta eu urna eleifend vulputate. Donec in tincidunt libero, et varius nibh. Vestibulum ac lacus nisl. Nullam blandit pellentesque porta. In dolor neque, tempus in commodo lobortis, volutpat in sapien. In at metus et erat porta ornare. Nulla fermentum nunc tempus lectus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Sed tempor est sit amet eros sollicitudin, eget semper lacus vulputate. Donec interdum enim a nisl imperdiet aliquet. Donec at augue ex. Cras nunc metus, lacinia ac tellus ac, consectetur lacinia neque. Mauris laoreet aliquet dui quis egestas. Pellentesque sit amet neque sit amet ligula efficitur malesuada.


Dashboard – APP: Flowchart / Prototype

Dashboard – WEB: Flowchart / Prototype

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