

Brand Name

ABC Bank


Bank services


Accessible Charts - Design System

Project Year



A bank originally target towards medium and big comapanies, that recently started working with general people. In 2021 started structuring it's UX team, and it was when I was hired to act on the Personal team. The following projects were done by my self only.

Previous Component

Along with the task of redesigning the app homepage in parallel with the construction of the Design System, came the necessity to redesign the current graph component and creating new types. The goal was to bring a better form of visualizing the informations that would be easily understandable and acessed by anyone. The project has not been finalized yet.


Identified Problems:

  • Cirlce graphs have a low understandment from the general public, specially when the caption is separated from the graph itself.
  • The colors were not accessible, some had low contrast and generally was difficult to relate them to the captions.


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It was decided to proceed with a bar graph in order to provide better understandment of the content. With that it was iniciated a color and pattern study based on the current color tokens with the best accessibility possible.

There are currently 12 investments (the topic of the graphs), so there were chosen 12 colors. The colors were alternated between lights and darks for better contrast and similar ones were separated. The same color tokens were used as a lightest + darkest / darkest + lightest combination for the pattern to have a good contrast without giving too much visual information.

After those studies, the design of the graphs itself began. Those are the latest results of this project


Dashboard – APP: Flowchart / Prototype

Dashboard – WEB: Flowchart / Prototype

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